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reduction time中文是什么意思

用"reduction time"造句"reduction time"怎么读"reduction time" in a sentence


  • 还原时间


  • Characterization and hydrotreating performance of wp - al2o3 catalysts prepared with different reduction time
  • Precise response . the specially - treated friction plate is particularly responsive in terms of start - up and reduction times for torque
    应答敏捷. . .由于使用了特殊表面处理的摩擦板,扭力起动时间及扭力消减时间特别敏捷。
  • In the system the effects of photoinitiator and monomer concentration on grafting are not distinct , while photo - reduction time , uv irradiated polymerization time and uv light intensity have more effects on grafting yield
  • Abstract : by analyzing theae factors which influence the reduction process and ferrous powder ' s quality , reduction temperature , reduction time , scale thickness and additive quantity are chosen to discuss their effect on the chemical composition and the crashed property of sponge iron
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